

06 May


Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.7

Happy Friday, Tenno! Today’s hotfix addresses some high priority bugs and brings with it some changes to Operators and Focus. This will tentatively be the last hotfix until the launch of next week’s Zephyr Prime and Chroma Prime Prime Vault. But we will of course be monitoring for any urgent issues and will be Hotfixing in those cases. Thank you! 


Operator & Focus Changes:

Another round of Community feedback has brought a handful of changes to Operators and the Focus School System. This time the focus (ar ar ar) is on the casting animation speed of certain Focus abilities and some minor changes to Void Sling. We are working on optimizing the base speed, duration, and animation in these Hotfixes. We are also doing code reviews for our next Update to review further tweaks (with an emphasis on Void Sling) - more on ...

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03 May


We've disabled the Ghoul Purge for now until we can resolve: 



Quick heads-up to PC Tenno that we've temporarily disabled the Ghoul Purge due to the Bounties insta-failing.

We will search for a fix and re-enable at a later date when it's resolved.



(XBOX) Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix #5

We’re back with our second Hotfix of the week as the team progresses through reports. Additionally, we’re working towards addressing some bigger feedback areas with our week's worth of findings - more info to share soon.


Angels of the Zariman Quest Changes & Fixes: 

  • Adjusted the Void Cascade mission objectives to start when players kill the first Thrax occupying an Exolizer. 

  • Added objective kill marker, tutorial text popup, and transmissions to better explain mission objectives in Void Cascade.  

    • Specifically “Kill the Thrax”. 

  • The tutorial message about depositing Vitoplast will now appear much sooner after the first V...

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1 minute ago, Azure.Fang said:

Still no fix for host being locked in elevator and unable to extract on Zariman missions and losing all rewards, even as the rest of the squad extracts and gets rewards? Or for mull-team extract failures?


We're currently investigating this issue.


Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.5


We’re back with our second Hotfix of the week as the team progresses through reports. Additionally, we’re working towards addressing some bigger feedback areas with our week's worth of findings - more info to share soon.


Angels of the Zariman Quest Changes & Fixes: 

  • Adjusted the Void Cascade mission objectives to start when players kill the first Thrax occupying an Exolizer. 

  • Added objective kill marker, tutorial text popup, and transmissions to better explain mission objectives in Void Cascade.  

    • Specifically “Kill the Thrax”. 

  • The tutorial message about depositing Vitoplast will now appear much sooner after t...

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02 May


We're investigating a fix for this for the next Hotfix!



(XBOX) Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix #4


Operator & Focus Changes:

A mix of both Community feedback and our own internal digging has brought forth some further changes to Operators and the Focus School System. A couple key goals of the Focus School System changes in Update 31.5.0 was to bring all Schools to the same level (while keeping thei...

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Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.4


Operator & Focus Changes:

A mix of both Community feedback and our own internal digging has brought forth some further changes to Operators and the Focus School System. A couple key goals of the Focus School System changes in Update 31.5.0 was to bring all Schools to the same level (while keeping their i...

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We're looking into this issue!

On 2022-04-30 at 1:44 AM, Riger82 said:

Lol. I filled in a report and all  was told when they responded was that they can't do anything about the lost items.

I see that Support has replied to your ticket requesting some information so they can help you further. 

29 Apr


Hello Tenno!

As the Friday work evening comes to an end for the DE crew we wanted to be transparent that we’re not going to deploy another Hotfix before the weekend.

However, we wanted to draw attention to a known issue we’re actively fixing:

Void Flood rewards not being given to Clients.

Since we are not Hotfixing again before the weekend, our Support team is here to provide missing rewards for said Void Flood Clients. We ask that you make a Support ticket with the title “MISSING VOID FLOOD REWARD AS CLIENT” so our team can work towards rectifying the accounts. Of course, other issues you encounter related to your hard earned items not being rewarded can also be reported...

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(XBOX) Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix #3


Happy Friday, Tenno! This hotfix targets fixing some high priority bugs that we wanted to get out before the weekend hits. We will be back next week after reviewing weekend reports to continue the hotfix train. 


Nidus Maggot Prime Script = Complete! 

Due to how Prime Access & Prime Accessories are offered on consoles, to ensure parity with PC those who purchased the Parasitic Link or Prime Accessories will receive 1 Prime Maggot and those who purchased the Ravenous Pack will receive 2 Prime Maggots via this script. Your new best friend will appear in your Decorations inventory if you meet the criteria!  



  • Added the color reset and randomize buttons when customizing Amp appearance. 

  • ...
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28 Apr


We're actively reviewing the Bounty/Gyre drop chances - something funky is happening and we're investigating.

16 minutes ago, Cephalon_Lapidis said:

So no gyre parts bp drop chance fix?

We're actively reviewing the Bounty/Gyre drop chances - something funky is happening and we're investigating.


Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.2


It’s the day after Update 31.5: Angels of the Zariman! We are here with our second hotfix to address some key stability and fixes. Some next-day feedback has been incorporated in this update. 


Eximus Rewards & Palladino Changes:


After reviewing Community feedback to the Eximus Unit reward changes in Update 31.5.0, we’ve made some further changes, specifically to the Credit drop. The amount of Credits dropped for high level Eximus Units due to the scaling amount changes weren’t hitting the mark for veteran players who play at that level. We don’t want to remove Credits altogether as new players will find these useful in their journey. 


As a result, Eximus Units now drop 500-750 Credits that no longer scale with level. Non-Steel Path Eximus Units level 30+ now have...

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27 Apr

1 hour ago, TypeZeroEmiya said:

I purchased the new Valkyr deluxe bundle before the hotfix and I still don’t have the new animations. Tried to restart the game but that didn’t work.

Just re-ran the script! Can you let me know if that fixed you?

35 minutes ago, (XBOX)VisceralNexus said:

They are currently not showing up for any other frame other than Valkyr herself.

Just re-ran the script! Can you let me know if that fixed you?


(XBOX) Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix #1


Angels of the Zariman Quest Changes & Fixes: 

  • Reduced enemy levels in the Angels of the Zariman quest from 50-55 to 40-45.

    • We want the missions to be challenging, but not so challenging that you cannot progress through the quest!

  • Improved mouth animations in certain parts of the quest. 

  • Fixed placing Armaments turret too quickly near Exodamper in the Void Armageddon stage of the quest, which would disable all turret mounts and keep the objective marker there for the whole mission. 

    • This also fixes being able to stack multiple placements on the single spot.

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Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.1


Angels of the Zariman Quest Changes & Fixes: 

  • Reduced enemy levels in the Angels of the Zariman quest from 50-55 to 40-45.

    • We want the missions to be challenging, but not so challenging that you cannot progress through the quest! The missions outside of the quest differ since they are not meant for tutorial purposes as they are in the quest. 

  • Improved mouth animations in certain parts of the quest. 

  • Fixed placing Armaments turret too quickly near Exodamper in the Void Armageddon stage of the quest, which would disable all turret mounts and keep the objective marker there for the whole mission. 

    • This also fixe...

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